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Thank you Daniela, for celebrating with me!

Daniela! I can’t express how great it was to see you. You are so beautiful and it was nice to see you outside of Facebook! I truly appreciate you for attending my birthday gala. It was a night filled with laughter, joy, and loving moments–and your presence truly made the evening unforgettable. 

I am incredibly grateful for your friendship and am deeply touched that you chose to spend the evening celebrating with me.

Let’s not be strangers…see you soon!!! xoxox

Relive the Celebration

Check out the video recap to relive some of our memorable moments!  Just press play!

Cherished Moments

Timeless Memories

the gala cast!

Your Support Made the Night Special

Thank you to those who joined me to make this night happen!

My sisters:


Dawn &


My BFF, before there were BFFs!

Tanya Stewart



Justinnla — Bio Site


The Suite Spot | South Orange

South Orange | The Suite Spot (


Dina Reagan

(formerly of Her Royal Highness)

Michael Jackson Impersonator New York, International (

Party Favors:

Facebook Marketplace

Printed items:

Heartfelt Gratitude

Your Presence Made It Special

Hey Daniela! Your presence at my birthday gala meant the world to me–my mom would have been so happy to know we still keep in touch. Thank you for being a part of this special day. For your thoughtfulness and forever friendship, I am deeply grateful. I am so blessed to call you a friend. 

I love you, Suzanne